Tuesday, January 29, 2008

all the Fuss 4 nothing

Today all i wanted was a chill day, i hardly slept and longed for my bed. But all day long at work there were people... oeff how shall i say and not sound that horrible.... People that can try to sound important bussy, that want to talk talk talk about things in stead of act to solve the problem. Common sense is a god gift, pls use it, it meets u half way.

So since a couple of days i just got irritated and irritated. I think my insomnia was also playing a part in it so i tried to be zen.

Difficult to act correctly even if u know that ur right.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Silent tribute

“No time on earth Is long enough to share with those we love or to prepare our hearts for good-bye!”

Adjie i'am gonna miss you. Why do we people always act like we have the time of the world. Or do i see it the wrong way? Knowing that ur not there anymore sore my heart. Knowing that i not only lost my Grandmother, but also my Godmother tears up my heart.

May your soul rest in peace. Hope ur in a better place.

Wees gegroet, Maria, vol van genade.
de Heer is met u.
Gij zijt de gezegende onder de vrouwen,
en gezegend is Jezus, de vrucht van uw schoot.
Heilige Maria, Moeder van God.
Bid voor ons zondaars,
nu en in het uur van onze dood.

Hail Mary, full of grace, The lord is with thee
Blessed art thou among women and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death.