Monday, June 23, 2008


''The best thing in life, comes when you absorberd it with little sips''

The strangers thing occure to me. I noticed that my taste in likes / dislikes etc has been changed. In the beginning i really didn't liked it at all. But after abosorbing it by bits. I like, liked it more and more. Not only in taste, but also in daily life. Movies, topics, style. Uff, life isn't getting easier like this :S

Just like life has its obstacles and ur just passing it step by step. And at the end of the obstacle u can say. om it wasn't funny, but hell, i learned a lot and have a lot of benefit of it.

or is it just a fase to adulthood (of thats a word).

How fuuny it is? isn't it? How one can totaly transform to an other thinking area. Do you get life. with my 26 yrs now i noticed the differnce of being a 18 yr old 'child' and now being a young women. h'many more surprises do i get, before i discover how to deal with life itself.

We shall see,