Friday, November 24, 2006

Enneagram / G. I. Gurdjieff

Read the first link before looking at the Enneagram!

an other intresting side, just have a look.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

You Are a Chimera

You are very outgoing and well connected to many people.
Incredibly devoted to your family and friends, you find purpose in nurturing others.
You are rarely alone, and you do best in the company of others.
You are incredibly expressive, and people are sometimes overwhelmed by your strong emotions.

Monday, November 13, 2006

What's going on!!!

What's going on!!!

being and feeling sick for several weeks now. Just having symptom of the flue. And now trying to live as normal as I can. But at a moment it breaks U.. I just want to be better of/or be sick nothing between it. aarrrggg..

ok that was a little frustration that had to be out of my system. pff

I just was passing some bloggers and read about someone loosing in one week a few persons to God. I just heard yesterday that a friend lost his dada, and after reading the blog i heard that an other person lost a good friend and again someone has passed away.

what's going on!!!!

The ironic part is that all over the world people die, but you don't stand still about it. Just when one is having fun, somewhere else in the world someone is facing dukh of a deceased one.

They always tell you don't worry they go to heaven etc. Don't cry, they gone to a better place than earth. I often ask myself is that true. Knowing how it feels to have lost a few very important persons in life. And still I can't let it go. Just want to talk and hug them. Shall I always miss them like that.

an other thing I really dislike. If someone past away you give you're condolence to a person. I really hate that word. It''s the opposite of congratulations.
even in Dutch I hate that word. gecondoleerd and the opposite is gefelicteerd. Who the hell came up with that stupid insensitive, cold word.

ok back on the topic. I hope god has a good plan for al those people he took from us. And may all their souls be in peace.

sleep tight....

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Walking in circle

my mind is going ballistic at the moment, even if my body rejects its just having to much thoughts at the same time. One moment I'm just chill and thinking about the nice things of my life and the other side I just see my whole past.

like the elderly often say.. Girl don't look back. Move forward and don't give up hope in live.

Why does it feel so strange, why do I think about the past and why can't I let it behind me. If I just look back how I might reacted when I was 19 or younger than now. Not that I am that much older. I just can not figure it out. Why don't I have the courage to pull myself out of misery and live my life at the fullest. Why am I stuck. Just like a stoptrain, that stops to often and for to long time. Why does it feel like everybody is moving on with their lives and I'm standing still.

and again I can just wonder and ask the same question why! But shall I get an answer on it?

Toninght I experienced the same old pain, but today I wasn't the person with all the obligations. I just saw a dear friend going trough that pain. I had for many years. So these kinds of event is for mine person enough to have thoughts of the past.
Maybe someday

Sunday, October 29, 2006

My little sunshine,

Baby Aman went to the doctor yesterday and got his annual injection (jakkes). During the day he got high fever. It was just heartbreaking tohear him cry all day long, Looking at his big eyes and red cones, But his Nana played with him and he cheered up. It just lightend up his pain a little bit. His mom overnighted with him at her mom's place. The whole night Baby had pain and fever and cried. We treid everything to relief him from his pain, massage, vicks etc. So at one moment he fell in sleep. To everybody's relief. Now we could fall in sleep to. I had to wake up early but couldn't fall a sleep, that was a bummer, so i just tried to read. The baby woke up again en started te cry. His nani couldn't get him a sleep again. He just cried his longs out. It was so sad to hear. Than i went to him and picked him up. He tried to cry with tears but he can't cry, so he was so stiff and disordered. My heart just broke by seeing this, i felt his pain. So i just hold him in my arms and wiged him to sleep and talked to him, he calmed down and i felt he reacted on me. I know how he reacts on the gaytrie mantra so i song it for him than he fell in sleep as a happy little baby. I told him that if he is not able te cry so he shouldn't try. He looked so peacefull in his sleep. And than my alarm went off and i had to go hit the showers and go to work. I wanted to stay in bed and just hug him all the time,or be on his side. My little sunshine was still sleeping as an angel.

Hihihi my short story

Sunday, October 01, 2006

What shall I tell.

The question is: can someone truly love another person. Is that possibe? When can we talk about true love? Yeah I know, the most Enigma and at the same time paradox questions....

Today I had a conversation with my friend from secudaire school. I know her for more than 10 years now. And we both are in our twenties, for the indianculture we're old. For the society we should be married and have at least two childeren.. LOL. So we're expired hahaha can you imagine that.

We both are playing with the question if its possible to love someone so deeply that you can forget yourself. Is it really possible

He is a character, he is smart, funny and different than al those other boys that I know. How often did you hear that :S You can say he is my Mr. Big, I just think and dream about him the whole day, he is my devil, my luxury of sin :sight:
But there is a but. But now I'm just confused, yeah I'm in a state of confusion.

How people can change with every moment in life. The older you get, the more you know that life is not a Bollywood movie or just a love story you read in a good novel. Life itself is a enigma and don't start with love... It's so confusing