Monday, November 13, 2006

What's going on!!!

What's going on!!!

being and feeling sick for several weeks now. Just having symptom of the flue. And now trying to live as normal as I can. But at a moment it breaks U.. I just want to be better of/or be sick nothing between it. aarrrggg..

ok that was a little frustration that had to be out of my system. pff

I just was passing some bloggers and read about someone loosing in one week a few persons to God. I just heard yesterday that a friend lost his dada, and after reading the blog i heard that an other person lost a good friend and again someone has passed away.

what's going on!!!!

The ironic part is that all over the world people die, but you don't stand still about it. Just when one is having fun, somewhere else in the world someone is facing dukh of a deceased one.

They always tell you don't worry they go to heaven etc. Don't cry, they gone to a better place than earth. I often ask myself is that true. Knowing how it feels to have lost a few very important persons in life. And still I can't let it go. Just want to talk and hug them. Shall I always miss them like that.

an other thing I really dislike. If someone past away you give you're condolence to a person. I really hate that word. It''s the opposite of congratulations.
even in Dutch I hate that word. gecondoleerd and the opposite is gefelicteerd. Who the hell came up with that stupid insensitive, cold word.

ok back on the topic. I hope god has a good plan for al those people he took from us. And may all their souls be in peace.

sleep tight....

1 comment:

Jinguchakka said...

You had the flu before me? Oh so you are the person who infected me all the way from Holland!! :-)

And never think of death while ill. Doesn't make you feel better.